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The TTRPG Creator Resources Database came to be due to my frustration in looking for a page I thought I had saved, for 2 days, and without success. Simple like that. Since I was already used to Notion, then I guess it wasn’t a big deal making this.
Since I know a lot of people could use an easy go-to list of stuff I figured I would make an itch page for it and hope this will help the TTRPG designer community.
By TTRPG Creator Resource I limit the scope of this list to any page that contains something that could be useful for people who are writing, playtesting, designing and publishing tabletop roleplaying independently.
Since this Database is for indie creators, I will not include resources made exclusively or overwhelmingly for any Hasbro or Paizo products. Those already take the lion share of the market and player base, and they are the easiest to search resources for, plus I have my own personal and political reasons for avoiding large-scale, monopolizing corporations.
Resources made or contributed to by racists, TERFs, cops, and other bigos as well as their supporters are also across the line. If you find anything by any creator that falls into one or more of these categories, hit me up on Twitter @thegiftofgabes and I’ll fix that asap.
I will go to extra lengths to promote resources made by the RPGLatAm community, as well as other Global South communities or creators, within the limitations above, by highlighting their works and creating specific tags when possible.
I hope this database is helpful for you and that it helps you create more games to your liking, more easily.